The Withered Rose

The rumors and hearsay of the woman known as Dovienya have, by design, long since fallen into obscurity. The name of the 'Rose of the Obsidian Court' and the sense of dread it inspired have vanished from the common vernacular as the creature that was once Dovienya waited and bided its time. But now, the world is in conflict and eyes are directed outward, giving the unique opportunity for her to stretch a hand from her place of shadow and subtly guide the fates of Men.

When one cannot be both, it is far safer to be feared than loved. These are words to live by, to study, and to hold in reverence. Those who would betray one that they love would think twice about betraying one that they fear. To inspire fear in others is to secure yourself. To secure yourself is the first step into controlling those around you.
Dovienya strives to maintain an immaculate public persona of the refined noble woman. She has been groomed since youth to ooze charm and charisma, to give the appearance of patience, elegance, and a strict adherence to decorum. Such qualities fade the more acquainted one would become with the woman, being far more apparent when one begins to work with Dovienya professionally. While the elegance and adherence to decorum remains, any hint of charm or warmth fades, replaced by a cold calculating mind and an unbending will to be obeyed.
Working under the moniker of 'Rose', Dovienya is ambitious, devious, and ruthless. She will stop at nothing to gain that which she desires, often seeming to obsess over small details until they are arranged perfectly. Dovienya holds herself to a very strict set of guidelines (or 'path' as she calls it) that she follows with the intensity of a religious zealot. While the nature of her path is clear to her, it may seem twisted and murky to others.
In this, her morality is unorthodox at best, heretical and villainous at worst. She considers the work to which she dedicates herself to be necessary, but it more often than not is transfigured by her actions. The good she may have done metamorphosizes into a cruel and twisted form--such that by the end, it is difficult to determine if the cruelty endured was preferable to the evil she sought to obliterate to begin with.
Dovienya takes great care in maintaining her appearance. Her hair is typically kept in its youthful color of raven black. Her eyes are a piercing seafoam green that are almost always covered by a thick silken scarf.
Though well into her forties, Dovienya does not appear to be a day over thirty. Her skin is a smooth pale grey, unmarked by age or blemish. Her body bares no scars and again, seems eerily flawless.
Dovienya is almost always found in full formal gowns. She favors darker colors to both match her dark hair and to contrast her pale complexion. Much like Dovienya's appearance, her hygiene is immaculate as she often takes long periods of time to perfect her own appearance before presenting herself to public scrutiny.
Her voice can be described as low and soft. Dovienya's accent can shift at will, but most often speaks in a refined Ishgardian cadence.
Upon a quick glance, one may note the following:
■ Dovienya's eyes appear to shimmer and glow in low light, much akin to that of a beast. She never blinks.
■ Her skin is cold and pallid like that of a corpse, giving her a rather bilious appearance.
■ The aspect of Dovienya's aether cannot be determined as anything resembling the standard array of possibilities.
■ When seated in a formal setting, Dovienya seems able to sit still for hours at a time. She never appears to tire or grow weary while in the presence of others.
■ Dovienya has a rather distinct method of speaking. She never makes use of contractions and strives to use as formal of language as she can manage, as protocol would dictate.
Hair color: Grey (Dyed to her youthful Black)
Eye color: Seafoam Green
Skin tone: Pale Gray
Body type: Slim, Matronly
Orientation: Bisexual
Accent: Ishgardian (Among many)
Dominant hand: Left
Scars: None
Tattoos/piercings: None
Most noticeable features: Her lack of any discernable body language. Dovienya is very difficult to read.
Place of birth: Central Thanalan
■ Kadron Cuenn - Brother; Deceased.
■ Tuatha Cuenn - Sister; Deceased.
■ Gai'don Cuenn - Brother; Living.
■ Toman Cuenn - Brother; Deceased.
■ Caldazar Cuenn - Father; Deceased.
■ Talmara Cuenn - Mother; Living.
Adult Life
Occupation: Organized Crime Boss
Current residence: Central Thanalan
Relationship status: Separated
Financial status: Extreme Wealth
Vices: Alcohol, Narcotics, Comfort, Hedonistic Pursuits
Mental illnesses:
Physical illnesses: Light sensitivity. Extreme allergy to aether.
Self confidence level: Uncanny Self Confidence
■ Underworld Contact: If your character is well versed in Eorzea's seedy underbelly, then you may have heard of the one called 'Rose'.
■ Business Contact: If your character is heavily involved in the mercantile arts, then perhaps you would know of Marcus Feral's ex-wife, the lady Dovienya of house Cuenn.
■ Professional Prospect: If your character is seeking employment, or has a reputation for ruthless efficiency, perhaps they would be looking for work as a retainer to house Cuenn.
■ Ishgardian High Society: If your character is involved in the intrigues of Ishgardian nobility, you may be familiar with house Cuenn and by extension, Dovienya.
■ Drug Contact: If your character is one who deals in illicit goods, you may have desire to contact Rose of the Obsidian Court for discrete delivery of new products.
■ Old Veteran: If your character is an old mercenary or soldier, you may recognize Dovienya as one that went by the name 'Rose'. About fifteen to twenty years ago.
■ Thanalan Syndicate: If your character is involved in the Syndicate, you may be familiar with house Cuenn and be looking to do some business, either legitimate or not.
Common Rumors
■ "The lady Cuenn? Why, she's one of our chief patrons! The Ishgardian war orphanage would be in disrepair if not for her selfless generosity. Halone has truly blessed that woman." — Halonic Cleric
■ "Rose? You mean the Rose? Listen, I don't know you well enough to share that sort of info. Her ears are everywhere. Go back to whoever sent you and tell them they're better off not dealing with that woman." — Underworld Information Broker
■ "Dovienya? As yes. The roegadyn. Barely a thought in that pretty little head of hers. Heard she's slept with half the nobility of Ishgard. Who exactly? Well, I don't know. That's just what the rumors are. Really, it's quite amusing seeing a sea wolf try to act proper." — Ishgardian Noble Woman
Uncommon Rumors
■ "House Cuenn? A cursed family if I've ever seen one. Half the family is dead and the patriarch seems to have gone missing. At least the daughter seems capable." — Syndicate Information Broker.
■ "Rush? That's a tough one to get. The Rose has the formula on lock down. They say it's made here in the west, but not sold here. I'll have to charge y'more, security reasons." — Drug Dealer.
■ "Rose? There's a bounty for one called Rose. Seems to be behind a scandal involving the old prison warden. Whoever this 'Rose' was, they have killed hundreds of prisoners over the past seven years." — Ishgardian Temple Guard.
Rare Rumors
■ "You don't understand, she's behind it. She's behind it all! They all plot and scheme but she's pulling the strings! Remember to watch her eyes, they never blink! Always watch the eyes..." — Committed Ishgardian Lunatic
■ "They claim she's almost fifty. Have you ever seen a fifty year old look like that? I've heard...things. I ain't sayin it's true, y'know? But I've heard from a trustworthy source that she bathes in the blood of virgins to keep herself young." — Shady Rumor Monger
■ "The name? I'm not sure what significance it plays, but I've heard tales. They say there's a green eyed wraith in a black cloak. If you've sinned it will visit you and offer you a red rose. When the rose begins to wilt, you die." — Chatty Prison Guard.
Player Character Rumors
■ "Aye, I know the one. Everyone was callin' her Dovienya. 'cept one, he kept callin' her Rose. Anyhow, she's supposed t'be some noble lady. Lemme tell yeh, the woman's madder than bollocks. Yeh can see it right in her eyes. Yeh don't know if she's gonna bed yeh or tear yeh limb from limb for the sport o' it. Right scary, yeah? She wants me already. Yeh might be next, love." — Veke Illska Quicksand, to anyone who will listen.
■ "Dove? She's doing quite well, thank you for asking. If you were hoping for a meeting, I'm afraid to say she is quite busy lately, spending my money. If you are attending next week's charity ball, you will surely see her there." — Marcus Feral
■ "People tend to think I'm prim and proper? Compared to her I'm blue collar. She's the epitome of regal, yet, she's changed much since I first met her. She's definitely a lot more loose." — Tempest Fey
■ "The Mistress? She terrifies me. Yet I believe that should I ever find myself at the gates of hell, she would be there destroying everything in her path to bring me home again." — Vado Mercier
■ "Pssst hey you kids, c’mere a minute." Anaguma beckons over a trio of local Mist children, whom approach cautiously. "I know, I know. Your folks say don't talk to strangers, but I'm one of them adventurer blokes, totally ain't the same." The children look at each other. "Anyroad, see that creepy old joint up the hill there, top of the ward?" They nod collectively. "People 'round here reckon it belongs to a mean, old witch." Their eyes widen. "Aye, that's what I reckon. I seen her once, almost killed me. She's tall like this." Anaguma gestures up high, the children gasp, "Big ol' teeth like this!" He gestures widely, they gasp again, "And her skin is green and wrinkly from chuggin'frog blood!" A third gasp, one starts to tear up, "You wanna know the worst part? She has a pack of flying opo-opo." The children look at each other again, fearful. "Aye, every sennight she lets 'em out to hunt little kids for her supper. One of 'em has big pointy ears and talks all funny like, and another of 'em grew horns and got all scaley cos' of her magic. But her favourite...Her favourite one has big red eyes, bushy white fur, and she likes to kiss it!” The children scream and flee the area, Anaguma dusts his hands. "That'll do for today." — Anaguma Kenesa
Thank you for visiting my character profile!
There are just a few things that need to be addressed regarding roleplaying with Dovienya.
This carrd is not meant to be an exhaustive profile of Dovienya. There are chunks of characterization that are purposefully omitted or left vague so that details can be discovered through roleplay. Feel free to use anything present on the hooks or rumors sections freely.
I am based out of the Balmung server on the Crystal data center of Final Fantasy XIV and live in the North American Pacific time zone. I am typically available in the afternoons to early evening and on weekends, as work permits.
Thematically, I usually prefer more mature and dark settings that are established in a more realistic framework. While I understand that realism and the inherent fantastical nature of the setting may seem to conflict, I also prefer to interpret my own characterization and personal plots in a more grounded manner, relative to what occurs in canon lore.
Romantic themes are possible, but they also will need to make sense to the character and the situation. While ERP is inevitably consequence of long term relationships, ERP simply for the sake of ERP is not something I am interested in.
The line in between IC and OOC is very important and I ask you keep cognizant the fact that my character does not share my feelings. While I do seek to make friends and connections OOC, I would caution that the subject matter and inherent violence central to Dovienya's business may be troubling to some players. I would advise caution before approaching for RP.

※ ⛧ - Ahzra'li Lhomi
"I once told Ahzra'li that he would come to see me for what I really am. I think seeing the truth has made him doubt his purpose. I suppose it is for the best, those who have no stomach for violence would do well to avoid me."
✿ ⚒ - Armont de'Bayle
"A small sliver of the core that made Ishgard the power that it was has found itself within the backbone of Armont de'Bayle. While contemporaries debate upon the merits of antiquity, Armont holds true to his purpose, and woe be to the man who would step between him and his ambition. Truly, an exhilarating man."

※ - Anaguma Kenesa
"Anaguma is capable, when he decides to be. The man lacks ambition and seems content to let life pass him by. The boy will need a few harsh lessons in life before he will be broken of such poor habits."
☄ ✿ - Cemi Jinfeh
"Cemi is one of those rare individuals that you can always rely on. No matter how difficult the task or how absurd the order, I know she will not question it. I intend to keep her very close in the days to come."

☄ - Chiyohana Naeuri
"When looking upon miss Naeuri, one conjures the image of a delicate white flower, bent and bruised from being trod upon where the barest of breezes may yet send its petals to flight. Yet the roots are deep and strong and but a little guidance may yet allow the flower to flourish into something to be admired."

⚒ - Elam Al'vain
"A brilliant young man who allowed his morals and sentiment to get in the way of progress. We do not always see eye to eye, but I can respect an honest murderer."
※ ♥ - Livia Crane
"I am not entirely certain when the drift began. Perhaps time simply pushed us apart, slowly little at a time. Or perhaps I cut the line, rather than be caged. In the end, the how and why matter little. I do wish her well, wherever she may be. My one sincere hope is that one day, before the end, she will have forgotten me. It would be a mercy."

※ ♥ ⛧ - Marcus Feral
"The Captain? Don't let his carefree manner fool you. The man is dangerous. His ambition and greed is second only to his selfishness and apathy. He is one I will not drop my guard around, a measure of respect."
✿ Rukira Michaelis
"Miss Rukira Michaelis is an odd blend of ambition and apathy. The woman truly is quite capable and knowledgeable in her craft, but I sense a inherent lack of...something that keeps her tethered. Perhaps that which kept her grounded has since fled, leaving her listless and at the mercy of fate. It is not a life I expect her to endure for too long."

※ ⛧ - Sephirah
"My mage hunter strayed too close to the proverbial sun. The man has gone rabid and must be put down. To do so would be a mercy."

✿ - Vevekera Lelekera
"I have nothing but good things to say about the man, and you would too had you seen what he capable of. Believe me, it is in your best interest to stay on his good side."